
  • Build A Strong And Attractive Retaining Wall On Your Residential Property

    A retaining wall constructed on sloped residential property needs to be strong and also attractive. You can build a retaining wall in many designs and out of many different materials. Some of these materials have strength but are not attractive and others are attractive but do not have a great deal of strength. With a little research and planning, you can combine these materials and designs together to get the best properties of each material.
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  • Minimize Mosquitoes With These Landscaping Tricks

    If you're tired of a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes invading your evening barbecues, it is time to rethink your landscaping strategy. By making a few simple changes, you can minimize the mosquitoes in your outside spaces.  Give Your Lawn a Makeover When tackling a mosquito problem, not only do you need to deal with the existing mosquitoes, but you also have to take steps to prevent the birth of future mosquitoes.
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  • Transform A Planting Bed Into A Focal Point

    Many homeowners take a casual approach to gardening. They go to the local garden supply, pick up some plants that catch their eye, and plant them in their planting bed. This results in a lovely garden bed. However, maybe you'd like to take your landscaping to the next level. Transform that planting bed into a gardening focal point with deliberate planting and accent piece additions. Raised Garden Bed The first step you should consider is turning a flat planting bed into a raised one.
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  • Have An Unkept And Unsightly Yard? What To Do For An Easy Great Looking Property

    If you aren't able to keep the plants alive that are in your yard, and your grass is always dry or discolored, it's time to talk with a landscaping professional. You can do some things to get a yard that others admire, that compliments your home, and that is easy to maintain at the same time. Here are a few of the things that you want to ask the landscaper about, services you want to hire regularly, and ideas you can incorporate to help make the yard look great.
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  • Tips To Prevent Mower Damage To Your Sprinklers

    Few things are more frustrating in your lawn than ruining a sprinkler head with the lawnmower. Unfortunately, mechanical damage, such as from mowers and other pieces of equipment, is a common destroyers of sprinkler heads. Replacement can be time consuming and costly. Plus, if you don't catch the damage right away, your lawn may dry out. The following tips can help you prevent mechanical damage to your sprinklers.  Tip #1: Skip stationary heads
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  • Rabbits And Your Lawn: They Came, They Ate, But You Conquered

    Everyone loves Thumper the rabbit from a popular Disney movie, especially when he bashfully admits he would rather eat the flowers than the greens, which are better for him. Unfortunately, rabbits seem to not mind nibbling on your lawn as well as your shrubs, gardens, and other landscaping. Here's what you need to know about wild rabbits in your yard and how to prevent them from mowing your lawn down to nothing.
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  • Backyard Beach Bum: Turning Your Backyard Into A Beach Oasis

    Trips to the beach are an excellent way for the entire family to relax. Sometimes if the beach is too far away or if your schedule is too busy to take any time off, going to be beach may not be a possibility. If you are not able to make it to the beach as often as you like, you can set up your backyard to become the perfect beach oasis.
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  • Create A Bird-Friendly Backyard

    Backyard birds provide much more than merely a delightful display when they fly in and around your property; these feathered-friends also can contribute to your property by eating insects, controlling pests, and pollinating plants when you provide them with the opportunity. Enjoy the bounty of benefits that backyard birds bring and keep them coming back for more. Some spring birds that are backyard-friendly are: Finches Sparrows Hummingbirds Robins Chickadees Jays Attract sweet sparrows and friendly finches this spring with these tips:
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  • 2 Ways To Get Rid Of Weeds In Your Yard

    No one likes to have a weedy yard. Weeds make your lovely grass look like you never put any time into making your yard look good. But, weeds seem to just happen and are hard to get rid of. What can you do to get rid of those weeds and get back to having a lovely, green, grassy yard? Professionals One thing you can do is to hire a professional landscaping company or lawn care company to come out to help you.
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  • Tips to Help Save Resources by Integrating Rain Collection Into Sprinkler Systems

    If your home has a sprinkler system, then you know water consumption is an extra cost. In addition, during the summer months, you may need to limit your water use due to drought conditions. A rain collection system can help. Here are a few tips to help you integrate rain collection into a modern irrigation system: 1. The Water Sources and Collection Tanks for Storage Needs The most common source of water for rain barrels is the roof of your home, but this is not the only water source.
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