
  • Why You Shouldn't Hire A Neighborhood Teen To Cut Your Grass

    If you don't want to cut your own grass or don't have the time to do so, you might be thinking about hiring a teen in your neighborhood to do so. It might seem like a win-win situation; it can be a way for the teen to make a little bit of money, and you might be able to get the job done for less than what you would pay a professional.
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  • Getting Help From A Professional Landscape Designer

    Landscaping is the type of task that seems easy, but it actually requires having some skills in order for it to look right. Another thing that must be considered when landscaping your yard is how sustainable it will be upon completion. You don't want a landscape that turns out beautiful but is difficult to keep that way. A professional designer can help you plan and create a landscape that is customized to meet your specific needs.
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  • 4 Benefits Of Working With An Air Conditioning Contractor

    The key to getting through a hot summer with the most ease will primarily rest in having the proper air conditioning in your home. This will allow you to feel your best regardless of how much the temperature may rise. It's important to work with an air conditioning contractor if you need to repair your unit or have it serviced. Knowing some of the benefits of doing so may be helpful to you.
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  • How Much Wood Could A Woodcutter Cut When He Should Cut Wood?

    When cutting trees in your yard, how much wood should you cut? How much is too much? Can you stop a tree from sprouting another branch that is obnoxious? Answers to all of these tree cutting questions and more follow: Cut Only What You Need to Cut Cutting only what you need to cut includes cutting low-hanging branches that smack you in the head and cutting branches that overhang your roof.
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  • Concerned About Caring For Your Lawn In The Rainy Season? 3 Tips For Perfect Landscaping

    Taking care of your yard can come with some differences depending on the time of the year, making it important for you to adjust yard care with the current weather and temperature. If you're anticipating a lot of rain coming soon with springtime, it's important that you explore what you can do to ensure that your yard doesn't have problems related to the rain. If you're interested in making some changes to your landscaping, it's a smart idea to look into the following projects and how they can be ideal for rainy weather.
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  • Build A Strong And Attractive Retaining Wall On Your Residential Property

    A retaining wall constructed on sloped residential property needs to be strong and also attractive. You can build a retaining wall in many designs and out of many different materials. Some of these materials have strength but are not attractive and others are attractive but do not have a great deal of strength. With a little research and planning, you can combine these materials and designs together to get the best properties of each material.
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  • Minimize Mosquitoes With These Landscaping Tricks

    If you're tired of a swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes invading your evening barbecues, it is time to rethink your landscaping strategy. By making a few simple changes, you can minimize the mosquitoes in your outside spaces.  Give Your Lawn a Makeover When tackling a mosquito problem, not only do you need to deal with the existing mosquitoes, but you also have to take steps to prevent the birth of future mosquitoes.
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  • Transform A Planting Bed Into A Focal Point

    Many homeowners take a casual approach to gardening. They go to the local garden supply, pick up some plants that catch their eye, and plant them in their planting bed. This results in a lovely garden bed. However, maybe you'd like to take your landscaping to the next level. Transform that planting bed into a gardening focal point with deliberate planting and accent piece additions. Raised Garden Bed The first step you should consider is turning a flat planting bed into a raised one.
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  • Have An Unkept And Unsightly Yard? What To Do For An Easy Great Looking Property

    If you aren't able to keep the plants alive that are in your yard, and your grass is always dry or discolored, it's time to talk with a landscaping professional. You can do some things to get a yard that others admire, that compliments your home, and that is easy to maintain at the same time. Here are a few of the things that you want to ask the landscaper about, services you want to hire regularly, and ideas you can incorporate to help make the yard look great.
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  • Tips To Prevent Mower Damage To Your Sprinklers

    Few things are more frustrating in your lawn than ruining a sprinkler head with the lawnmower. Unfortunately, mechanical damage, such as from mowers and other pieces of equipment, is a common destroyers of sprinkler heads. Replacement can be time consuming and costly. Plus, if you don't catch the damage right away, your lawn may dry out. The following tips can help you prevent mechanical damage to your sprinklers.  Tip #1: Skip stationary heads
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